
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Get rid of the old. Make room for the NEW!

Recently, I decided to take a laundry basket full of clothes and a couple pairs of shoes to Platos Closet. I had only been there once before and didn't remember my experience so I thought I would go and try and sell some of my neglected things. Maybe some of you have had better luck but, they were only willing to take 2 of my belongings which were both brand new (tags and all) and offered me $2. Hmm...I decided to take my stuff home with me.
So that didn't work out for me. That is alright. In the past I have sold clothing that I had had enough of on ebay. I made over $50! Now, that is more like it people. Of course, any money I make from selling my clothing means I get to spend it on clothing. Brilliant, I tell you! Yesterday I decided I could make the effort again to take pictures of my lightly used (that is the key) or new clothing that I wanted to get rid of and post in on ebay. The three pictures above haven't made it all the way to ebay yet but, they will be soon. It is a little time consuming. I am hoping to have just as much success as my last career in the ebaying world this time around! Wish me luck! If you would like to check out my lot go to My seller name is arogers1985.

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