
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

My little boy enjoyed his very first taste of soda (Root Beer) on the 4th of July!
My little sister (left) and her b.f.f (right) came to visit after they volunteered in El Salvador for a couple months. They are both such sweethearts and I miss them badly.


  1. Great pics :) I'm sure your sister created had a great experience that will last a lifetime. That's wonderful.

    And your little man is so cute :)

  2. oo first soda.. It's the beginning of the end hehee... El Salvador wow.. Lovely ladys..

  3. Great photos! Mine now tries to steal daddy's root beer every chance he gets.

  4. Great pictures. I love your hair set. Please let me know what do you use for your hair. So soft, smooth and silky.


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