
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Best for Babes!

The Best for Babes Foundation has been nominated for the Shorty Awards in the non-profit category by It is a chance to put breastfeeding as a cause on the map of a mainstream, hip & trendy awards & publicity venue. A win for us is a win for all moms and babies, the breastfeeding movement and all breastfeeding companies! BEST for BABES is the only non-profit that is giving breastfeeding a makeover and revealing and removing the “booby traps”—i.e. the barriers to breastfeeding—that keep tripping women up.

If you are on Twitter, please take 10 seconds to vote by going to: Enter BestforBabes for the Twitter User, and don’t forget to enter a reason.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so very much for nominating Best for Babes and for helping us to cheer on ALL moms to achieve their personal breastfeeding goals without pressure, judgment or guilt!


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