
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Smelly Towel review and {GIVEAWAY!!}

Has anyone heard of Smelly Washer cleaner? It is a cleaning agent that you put into your washing machine to remove any mold and mildew smells. What a smart product since who among us ever think to clean our washing machines?? Not me, and mine was built somewhere around 1925 (or at least it seems like it). Who knows what kind of disgusting-ness is hiding in my machine.

Since Smelly Washer was such a big hit, they have now come out with another product called Smelly Towel. As you can probably guess, Smelly Towel is a cleaner that is used to remove the mold and mildew smell from your towels. For someone who lives in the south where your towels are seemingly never dry because of the humidity, this product is a must have! You put in a tablespoon of the cleaner in place of your regular detergent and run a load of laundry like you normally would and it works exactly like it says it will. I seriously love this product. I have used it on all my towels and yesterday I used it on my bathroom rug since it always seems to have a funky smell even after being washed. Have you ever left a load of laundry in the machine for over 24 hours because you forgot about it? When you finally get back around to it, it reeks of mildew. This product would be perfect to take that smell right out. I literally cannot say enough good things about this cleaner. I've already given some to several of my friends urging them to use it right away because it's so great.

Smelly Towel is giving away a full size container to one of our lucky readers.

Mandatory entry:
Visit Smelly Washer's website and then come back and tell us if their product is something you see yourself using.

You must complete the mandatory entry before doing any extra entries.
Extra Entries (Leave a comment for each entry):
1 Entry: Follow our blog publicly (found on right sidebar).
1 Entry: Subscribe to our blog via reader.
1 Entry: Become our friend on Facebook AND update your status with link to this giveaway.
3 Entries: Post about this contest with a link back to our blog AND a link to Smelly Towel (Leave a link back to your post in your comment).
1 Entry: Follow us on twitter and tweet about this contest. You may do this once daily (always leave the link in your comment).
2 Entries: Add our button to your blog.
Good luck! Contest ends on June 5th at midnight. Winner will be announced June 6th.
Winner will be chosen through

Please be sure to include your e-mail or have it in your profile so I can contact you if you win. Thanks!


We are not compensated for our reviews. We receive product(s) for free so we can provide our experience. These are our honest opinions. Your experience may vary.


  1. I could definitely see myself using this. Nobody likes that mildew smell.

  2. Oh man I have a bunch of towels that are so smelly with that gross mildew smell. The husband doesn't seem to mind it but it bothers me so much! i can't stand it! We could totally use this stuff!

  3. Yes, I need this! I never can understand why no matter how I wash my towels just don't smell delicious and fresh!

    couponboss at gmail dot com

  4. We live in a very humid climate, so I can imagine how useful Smelly Towel would be. I hope I win!

  5. I will for sure be using this stuff. Thanks for letting me know it existed.

  6. I subscribe to you via reader.

  7. I could definitely use the smelly towel product.

  8. Yes, I could definitely see myself using this, especially with our pool towels!!!

    supermegs28 at yahoo dot com

  9. I follow publicly!

    supermegs28 at yahoo dot com

  10. Your button is on my blog! (1)

    supermegs28 at yahoo dot com

  11. Your button is on my blog! (2)

    supermegs28 at yahoo dot com

  12. I would LOVE to use their product. stephfrbs at gmail dot com

  13. I follow. stephfrbs at gmail dot com

  14. I hav eyour button on my blog. stephfrbs at gmail dot com

  15. I have your button on my blog. stephfrbs at gmail dot com

  16. I definitely see myself using this, I would love it!
    kathryn . lounsbury at yahoo dot com

  17. I follow publicly
    kathryn . lounsbury at yahoo dot com

  18. I would love to WIN this!! My towels need help and I have tried so many different this...So this would be GREAT!! What a GREAT giveaway!

  19. I follow you on twitter:TheWorthys

  20. yeah I would use it! I leave laundry in the washer a lot....I just get busy with other things. Its never in there long but with the front loader it seems to smell much faster than the top loaders. Just overnight and it smells

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  24. We would love to give this try!

    Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway.


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  26. I could totally see myself using this! I've been trying to figure out how to get the smell out of my towels.

    musicalmaestro at gmail dot com

  27. I follow your blog
    musicalmaestro at gmail dot com

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    musicalmaestro at gmail dot com

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    I have your button on my scrolling sidebar {harwoodharbor}
    musicalmaestro at gmail dot com

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    I have your button on my scrolling sidebar {harwoodharbor}
    musicalmaestro at gmail dot com

  31. I've read a lot of reviews about Smelly Washer, and have since found myself thinking I could use it! I think we could benefit from Smelly Towel too.
    six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  32. I follow on GFC
    six_one_nine_girlie86 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  33. I would definitely use this product as my dishrags always stink and my washer as well!
    janel_marie at yahoo dot com

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    janel_marie at yahoo dot com

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    janel_marie at yahoo dot com

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  39. I've noticed an odor lately so yes I would use their product.



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