
Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I have gone a little overboard with my nesting desires this pregnancy. Wanting everything to be perfect in my baby's nursery has expanded to wanting everything to be perfect throughout my entire home. My husband's and my room has been in need of some brightening and new furniture. Since we are on a tight budget, I have been searching for cheap bedroom furniture. I would really like a new dresser, a fresh headboard, some wall hangings, and maybe some flowers or plants.

I have been doing a lot of my baby shopping at CSN Stores so it is no wonder that I would check out their options first. I usually find exactly what I have been looking for at a price that can't be beat and they offer free shipping on tons of their items. Yes, please. Why can't shopping always be this easy?
We were not compensated for this post. I will be doing a review for CSN Stores in the near future.

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