
Friday, February 18, 2011

It's Friday, I'm in Love

Tonight the honey buns and I are doubling with some fabulously fun friends. I have a crush on date night. Mostly because my date is hot. And he always pays. But that's probably just because he is always looking to score. Oh, and this mommy job of mine doesn't afford me the finer luxuries in life.
It did, however, allow me a morning at the park with all three of my babies since they are out of school on Winter Break (which by the way, is the most ridiculous break of all time). Swinging and sliding, however, was short lived. Because it was freezing, and snow covered, and the sunshine was no where in sight. So much for that I-can-make-it-through-the-next-two-months-of-hell 60 degree day.
But none of that matters, because in 3 hours I will be childless munching on Edamame and all will be right in the world.
Ruffled Blouse: Forever 21
Cardigan: TJ Maxx
Boots: BCBG

Shop Similar: Blouse, Cardigan, Boots


  1. Erica, congrats!! You've won the stencil from Cutting Edge Stencils!! :)

    Stop by our blog and send me an email and we'll get you all set up.

    Congrats again!!


  2. Aww, you're making me all warm and fuzzy Joelle :)


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