
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Thanks Wiz Khalifa

"Yeah, uh huh, you know what it is...."
I am rarely as serious as I look. Most of the time I act like I am five. Ask Megan.
I am the coordinator of a scripture group that meets every Wednesday. It's one of my favorite mornings of the week. A little spiritual upliftment, a lot of girl time. Perfection.
Tee: Victoria's Secret (obviously my favorite layering tee. I have about 15).
Sweater: Macy's Impulse
Jeans: Quicksilver
Boots: MIA

Shop Similar: Sweater, Tee, Jeans, Boots


  1. I used to be a fan of this blog but I can't stand all of these pictures you are taking of yourself. Those boots are ugly and I don't feel like you are helping me with any fashion tips. It just feels like you are trying to show off or something.

  2. Hey. Why don't you man up and not post as anonymous?

  3. I am always trying to show off. It's one of the few things I am good at.
    I am absolutely not offering any fashion tips, because I have none to offer. Only pictures of myself. And that I will continue to do because I thrive on showing off.
    The beauty of fashion is we all have our own taste. Thank you for stating yours.
    And the best part of blogs is no one can force to read them. But I understand if you stick around; I am pretty addicting.

  4. You know what's funny about that first comment? I was just thinking about how much I like all the changes you have made to the blog. I read it way more now...maybe because I've always loved Erica's clothes. But I love the craft ideas, too! They are totally projects I could handle! I'm planning on trying them in our next place.

    Thanks for the great blog! I'm diggin' it.

  5. I love you Sara!! And we are totally missing you at great wolf right now!!


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