
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Filtrete Healthy Home

With two very young children, I have a lot of worries and fears about their health, environment, allergens, and so many harmful substances all around them. I want my children's home, things, and life to be clean and healthy for them. To do this, I keep a clean home, use detergents without dyes or scents, use cleaning supplies in areas they touch or toys they play with that are natural and safe, avoid wearing perfume or using heavily scented fragrances in my home, keeping my floors clean and my furniture dust free, and changing my air filter with Filtrete air filtration often.

"Since most people with allergies develop them during childhood, Dr. Alanna Levine, Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (FAAP), shares the ABC's to help maintain a healthier home environment for children:

  • A is for Avoid: Whenever possible, avoid irritants that often trigger allergies, such as products made of feathers or down. Use hypoallergenic pillows on your child's bed, and limit exposure to perfume, talcum powder, hair spray, air fresheners, fabric softeners or other strong odors or sprays. Strong fragrances and odors may aggravate allergy symptoms.
  • B is for Balance: Maintain a consistent balance in the home to help minimize allergens. Keep the windows shut and use central air conditioning during high pollen seasons to help protect children from pollen particles that trees, grasses and weeds release into the air. These particles can harbor in the eyes, nose, and airways, causing allergy symptoms to flair for those allergic to pollen. Also, give children washable, non-allergenic stuffed toys when possible, and be sure to wash the ones played with the most on a weekly basis, in hot water at least 130 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • C is for Change: Change items that are easy to neglect but are important for maintaining a healthier home, such as leaky faucets, pipes and other high moisture areas that are common places for mold growth. Don't neglect their air in the home either. Change your filter every three months, and use a high performance filter, such as a Filtrete Elite Allergen Reduction Filter from 3M."
To find out more healthy home living tips, money saving offers, filter change reminders, and sign up for Filtrete's seasonal newsletter, check out the Clear Advantages program.

I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Filtrete and received a gift certificate to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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