
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Feature: Knee-Length Boot

It's raining like crazy today. My hair stayed down for all of 5 seconds, then was thrown into a rapid ponytail and off to church we went.
And fabulous friends of Amanda, this face is for you.
Last night The Mister and I consumed enough Japanese food to feed a family of 10. I am still full. But dang, it was delicious.
My life really does revolve around food. I should be ashamed. But the shame would just drive me to stuff my face.
I am always looking for new ways to wear what is already in my closet and now I am relying on you to be my inspiration. Play dress-up with my by posting a picture of yourself on your blog (or elsewhere on the web) wearing this week's featured item, and leave a link in the comment section below.
How do you love to wear a knee-length boots?? I can't wait to see!

Dress: BCBG
Cardigan: Nordstrom
Belt: F21
Boots: Michael Kors

Shop Similar: Dress, Belt


  1. i wear knee-length boots everywhere, with everything, for all occasions. like i showed up to a party last week with cognac boots on. do you know what that's like? to have no flats because they're all stretched and salt-covered; to have an LA-inspired sandal collection suddenly rendered unwearable for three-quarters of the year; to never go out in the heels i couldn't live without because boys in utah are two feet tall; and to be too poor to afford the jimmy choo sparkle flats ive eyed since last season? do you?

    im also too poor to afford a value meal, but that's beside the point.

    pity me and my overworn, tried and tired, knee-length boots.

    also, thanks for the shoutout.

    can this count as my blog post?

  2. A. You are way better off without the value meal. Hello, hefty anyone??
    B. You have been in winter since January. LA before that. I have been living in winter hell for the past 85 months. Not feeling sorry for you or your unused shoes
    C. It will be spring here soon enough. It is shameful to let those shoes of yours collect dust. Send them my way. I'll take real good care of them.
    D. When life hands you lemons, buy knock-offs
    $10 variety,target_com_shoe_size-bin,lifestyle-bin,target_com_primary_color-bin,price,target_com_brand-bin&searchRank=salesrank&frombrowse=1&ref=tgt_adv_xasd0001&
    $50 variety:
    E. I rock. Thanks for noticing.


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