
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Telephone Chair

My mother-in-law hooked me up with this awesome telephone chair. I love it. Like really, really love it. The lines and design are so chic. The fabric was in great condition, but I wasn't totally loving the wood stain. It was beautiful, just not my style. So, one day I just decided to spray paint it.I covered the upholstery with plastic bags and painters tape and then dragged it outside. My initial plan was to sand the shiny finish off, but after sanding the same spot for about 10 minutes and not making a bit of difference, I decided to test just spraying the drawer without sanding. To my surprise, it looked and stuck great so I continued spraying the rest of the chair.
At first, I thought just the silver looked kind of cool, but after a couple days it started reminding me of tin foil. I found exactly what I wanted to do here and decided to add an antiquing glaze.
The antiquing glaze really gave it a finished look and now I don't think I would ever guess it was spray painted. I plan on adding a little more glaze and adding some big flowers to that "vase", but was too excited about how it has turned out so far so I had to share! I'll post more pictures once it is all totally completed.


  1. Ok, that chair is amazing! So jealous

  2. Any new photos of the finished product? Did you sand the edges before using the antiquing glaze? What kind of antiquing glaze did you use? :) Just got a telephone chair/gossip excited for a new project!

    1. Hi! You can see another photo on my new blog, Renter Decorating. Here is a link right to a post with the chair included:

    2. Also, no I didn't sand. I can't remember what brand the glaze was. I bought it at Lowes in the painting section. It comes in a small plastic bottle. I bought black. Good luck!!


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