
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Another Room Update For Allie

Are you getting sick of seeing this little girl's room? After posting the pictures of the room, I knew I needed to change it a bit more to fit in with the rest of the house and with our family's style. It feels right now, but I am known to be constantly changing something in my house so who knows? Let's go over the changes made:

  Spray painted her cardboard letters a metallic silver, added a photo instead of the stuffed animal. I have actually added a super cool photo next to this one since I have taken this picture so I will have to share that later. I also moved over her hanging rosette balls to almost over the dresser to anchor them a bit.
 I stole a mirror from our front room and hung it over her crib. It adds so much glam, I love it. And no fear, friends: It is secure and out of her reach for now (the crib is not actually against the wall) and surprisingly, she hasn't seemed to notice it and has made no attempts at touching it.
 I made a chevron pillow with leftover fabric from my curtains in our front room. I also moved her toy basket  to the side of her crib and added books and wooden blocks as bookends for an easy story time.
 The artwork got a switch-a-roo from one side to the other. I liked the paper mache antlers on this wall better.

Lastly, I bought a new rug from IKEA. It is cushy and comfy and we all love it.

Linking up here:
Thrifty Decor Chick

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