
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Painted Bookshelf

My sister-in-law gave me a bookshelf that is pretty special. So special I almost couldn't take it from her. She told me besides her teddy bear, this was the only thing she showed up with at her adopted parents house. She even posed next to it like a lost child. Tear. I'll, of course, give it back to her when she has the space in her house.
But I took it and I painted it. It was nasty color green and faux wood and in really bad shape. It took lots of priming and painting. 
I decided to do white on the outside then taped all that off and painted pink in the inside. I think it turned out pretty cute and now my daughter has a place to store all her books and treasures.

 Do you have a piece of furniture that you felt bad painting over even though it REALLY needed it? What did you end up doing? Do share!

Linking to:
Primitive & Proper

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