
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Winter Wreath

My husband has been refusing to let me get out Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. I say booo to that. I get so excited for Christmas and I sure can't wait to deck out our house in Christmas jolly. Ha.
I'm pretty scared to go digging for all of our decorations in the storage shed because it looks like a great home for spiders and all their friends in there. So for now, my husband wins. 
However, I did decide to make a winter wreath for our front door to replace a summer/fall wreath I had made. I got the cotton ball idea from a wreath I saw at Target that looked like it was covered in cotton balls and some silver jingle bells. I actually really liked it. It reminded me of snowballs, but they were selling it for $25. Right then, I took off to cosmetics to grab me some cotton balls to make my own for $1.97. Yep, saved myself the $23 I wouldn't have spent. 
Wreath Form
Cotton Balls
Hot Glue & Gun
Winter-ish Accessories (I used pine cones I had bought on clearance after Christmas last year, a strand of pearls, and a pair of ornaments I picked up for $1)
 Hot glue cotton balls to the wreath form like crazy.
 Accessorize it.

 Hang and enjoy!
Have you been adding any winter touches to your home? Or are you wanting to keep the fall spirit till at least Thanksgiving? When do you usually decorate for Christmas? Let's hear it.


  1. I can't believe how simple that is. It turned out so good! I want one now.

    1. Do you have a wreath form? I have more cotton balls. We could make one...

  2. Could you make a burlap wreath. And then teach me how? K thanks.

    1. Is there one you have in mind? I've seen lots.

    2. Haha. Weird. I don't remember leaving this comment. But I do want to know how to make one. You know, it's like ruffly and fluffy and stuff. Details aren't my forte. It's brown :)
      See your face soon!


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