
Friday, November 2, 2012

Yellow Table

Well if you didn't catch it in my daughter's birthday video, I convinced my husband to let me paint our dining table yellow! I love a lot. 
Here is what I did:
Filled the gaps and cracks with wood filler.
Sanded, sanded, and sanded some more.
Painted 3 coats of yellow.
Covered with a coat of poly for protection and for the extra glossy look.


I'd still like a rug in here. I think my cowhide might be cool, but I'm kind of scared of what my children's eating habits might do to it. 
What projects have you been up to?

Linking to:
Primitive & Proper
I Heart Nap Time
The Shabby Creek Cottage


  1. It looks amazing! and I L O V E your chairs! Did you find those for a pretty good price? Nolan's little yellow play table has held up pretty well...little did I know that "washable" crayola marker does NOT come off if left on the table for multiple days, bummer for me :(

    1. Hey Andrea! Thanks, girl. I got our chairs on Amazon. I think they were like $130 for two. Bummer about your yellow table. Allie did the same thing to our kitchen cabinets. I wiped it down, but left light color. I'm hoping magic eraser works. Have you tried that? Also, sorry I haven't answered your fb message. I always forget to do those. I'll message you now. xo

  2. this looks amazing. i'm so jealous. we are still using this old brown kitchen table we got in Idaho Falls when we were first married. wanna trade?

    1. Thanks, Ainsley! We got our table right when we left Idaho. I seriously thought it was our dream table that we would keep forever, especially since it was like a $750 table/chair/bench set that I got for less than $100 on clearance at Target. I ended up only liking it for a year or so, so I am pretty excited about a change. Have you thought about painting yours?


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