
Friday, December 7, 2012

White and Lace Stockings

Before now, we all had crazy colored, mis-matched, whatever was on sale stockings. I decided to make some matching, pretty stockings this year. While it was pretty time consuming, they were also very easy. Here is what I did:
 Cut out stocking shape. Trace another so each stocking has two pieces. 
 Hem just the top of the stockings. Make sure you hem it so when the two pieces are together the hem is in the inside.
 I then folded a piece of lace over the top of each piece individually. I did a zig zag stitch on the top.
And then a zig zag stitch on the bottom.

 Put your two lace top stocking pieces together, wrong side out, and sew them together except for the top. Then, I did a zig zag stitch on the side to sew a piece of gold ribbon to attach it to my fireplace.
 Yes, they need to be ironed, but that is real life. I hate to iron.
Have you made stockings before? What was your technique? What else are you making for Christmas?


  1. Just made some simple burlap ones last night! Might have to consider some lace now...

    1. Oooh I love burlap, too. Maybe lace on burlap? :)
      I should probably iron mine so they are cuter. Are you going to post about yours? I want to see!


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