
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year & Goals

Happy New Year! I hope everyone a very merry Christmas, remembering Christ's birth and spending time with their families. 
My highlight of Christmas was my children running into my room early morning with so much excitement. And the joy all over their faces with the thought that Santa had visited our house. I felt pure love for them.
 With that said, I had several moments of sorrow and prayer in my heart for the families who were celebrating their first Christmas without their little ones lost in the Newtown tragedy. Still sending prayers...

I loved changing up my blog last year, focusing more on home decor. I have learned so much about making a space your own and making a house feel like a home. I can't wait to see what 2013 brings! One thing is for certain, we are moving in April to an apartment. I'm actually pretty excited to downsize. It will give me the opportunity to organize and keep only what we really love. 
So as far as house goals go, I am currently only making them for up to April when we will start fresh.
  • Get rid of everything we don't love/use often.
  • Organize what we do use.
  • Stop adding small decor items and only invest in large pieces we will love for a long time.
  • Both my office and the playroom will be eliminated in our next home so I need to find a way to eliminate and simplify these spaces in preparation.
  • Allie's crib isn't coming with us! Time to turn her nursery into a big girl room.
  • Change color schemes in our master bedroom from grey/yellow to possibly grey/hot pink. With possible change of headboard.
  • Spruce up our outdoor space.

Those are the goals I currently have in mind. A mood board for the big girl room is coming soon! So excited.

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