
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Tracy's Family Room Progress.

 Tracy's family room has actually been a work in progress for months. Besides the couch, which was obviously the biggest and most important piece, I have been involved in all the shopping and decorating for this room. And it has been FUN! Tracy is so great about letting me do whatever I think will look stylish. We still have to figure out window treatments (which will make all the difference), but for right now this room has really come together. Bonus...this room is comfy and cozy. Best.

What do you think? I want to move in. If you want to move in, too...I also set up a quirky guest room that I will share soon. I'm sure she wouldn't mind visitors. :)


  1. Love that Allie and Lola are in that last picture. They both have looks like "are we done yet?"

  2. I'm trying to make our apartment more of a home, too. It can bee a challenge! But, it looks like you're doing great! :)

    1. Hi Jillian (or do you prefer Jilly?),
      Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comment. I was just looking through your blog...did you guys just buy a house? Lucky. Your master bathroom turned out gorgeous!
      Hope to see more of you :)


Thanks for commenting. We sure do like you.