
Friday, February 1, 2013

Two Updates in the Fam Room

I changed up the art above the TV console quite a bit ago and recently replaced our round glass coffee table with a simple wooden table instead. These couple of changes really help the flow of the room.
 Still waiting for someone to "accidentally" smash our TV so my husband will finally get us a flat screen.
The new framed picture is just a page I tour out of an Atlas of the New West book I picked up at the thrift store. I like that it adds small pops of color in that corner of the room.
 The coffee table is simple and pretty and fits perfectly in size with our sofa. It is need of a serious deep sanding and new stain, but until it gets warmer outside for me to work, it will do.

And a real life shot for you. My girl trying to jump (she can't yet) while munching on some snacks. She cracks me up.

What little (or big) things have you been changing around your house that makes all the difference?

Linking here:

I Heart Nap Time

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