
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Pre-Move: Kitchen & Dining

One thing I know for sure: there is no way our next kitchen in our apartment is going to be this nice. Matter of fact, I am pretty sure our kitchen will be cramped, dark, without natural light or enough room for more than one person to cook. I am also sure our dining "room" will probably be carpeted and have a ceiling fan over it. Why do apartments do that?? Carpet in the dining space?? It seriously makes me crazy! I know I personally don't enjoy scrubbing spaghetti sauce out of carpet that is already stained with someone else's spaghetti sauce. Nasty.
The kitchen is what sold me on renting our current house. The owners had just finished it right before we moved in. They hadn't planned on moving so they really worked hard on making it a space they would love. What I really love...they totally did it themselves. You should have seen the before pictures. It was scary. The after is fresh and bright and offers tons of counter space and storage. I'm going to miss having a pretty kitchen. So, so bad.

Good times and good meals were had. Having a nice kitchen as a renter is pretty rare. We are going apartment hunting for our next apartment and I think I might be harder to please than I have been in the past because of this kitchen.
Do I have any Minnesota readers? Any good areas/apartments that you might suggest we check out? Our son is starting kindergarten this year (which is NUTS!) so we have to consider schools while apartment searching. Wish us luck.


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