
Monday, March 4, 2013

Pre-Move: Office

We are moving next month.
Man. We have known we were moving for months and months and with that knowledge time was taking forever. When my husband got accepted to school in Minneapolis, I was wishing we could just move right then. Not because I want to move, but because I am ready to start and then move on from this part of our lives.
Two years in Minnesota for school and then we can finally settle down somewhere. Buy a home, make permanent friends, become more than temporary citizens somewhere. 
But...moving. Oh. I'm excited, yes, but so nervous and sad and scared. Both mine and my husband's families are here in Georgia, our kid's best friends are their cousins and I love that. I'll miss that. We love renting a house, especially this one that has become our home. We love our church ward and all the friends we have made there, Stone Mountain, and my son's preschool and my daughter's physical therapist, and all the fun attractions and yummy places to eat in the Decatur/Atlanta area. 
Minneapolis holds the unknown. How will we adjust? How will our kids adjust? 
Will we turn into snowmen (that's a real concern, I hear)?
Time will tell. 
So, before the big move, I have decided to post each room since I won't have the chance again. Today, I am starting with my office because in our next apartment, we won't have an office. I am thinking we will buy a small parsons desk for our bedroom so my husband can study. My newly recovered chair (which I will do another post about), the dresser full of my craft/sewing supplies, the rug, and curtains are the only things moving with us. Everything else is getting stored in my parent's basement.

Anyone else moving soon or are frequent movers? We have lived in this house for 2 years and that is the longest we have lived anywhere. What kind of tips do you have for moving day and the prep leading to it?


  1. At first, I thought it said you were going to buy Adam a small person's desk. Haha. Love your office.

  2. At first, I thought it said you were going to buy Adam a small person's desk. Haha. Love your office.


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