
Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby's First Phone Call {GIVEAWAY! 6 WINNERS!!}

Having a baby is stressful enough. When my baby boy was born, all I wanted to do was snuggle with him and look into his big, beautiful, blue eyes. Of course, after much snuggling and staring, I realized my husband and I needed to make about a zillion phone calls (or text messages) to friends and family to let everyone know that our baby had arrived and that we were both doing great. Even though I was beyond thrilled, I was exhausted and it was quite tiring to tell the same news over and over again.
Baby's First Phone Call has created a system that makes sharing your exciting news with your loved ones so easy and allows mommy and daddy more time to enjoy their new little one. Best of all, your friends and family can leave you messages for you to listen to when you aren't so tired!
How it works:
"With Baby's First Phone Call, you set up an account before your baby is born—when you still have a moment of time to yourself—and enter the names and phone numbers of all the people you want to notify when the baby arrives. Then, after the baby is born, you make a single phone call and leave a personal voice-mail message of any length with all the details you want to share.

Not only can you tell your friends and family when your little bundle arrived, you can share information such as the hospital and room number you're in and whether and when you'd like to receive visitors.

Our system places calls to each of the phone numbers in your account. If the person answers the phone they hear your happy message. If they don't answer, the message is left on their voicemail or answering machine. In either case, there is an option for them to leave you a return message that you can pick up at your convenience."

Baby's First Phone Call has generously offered SIX of our very lucky readers a $5o gift certificate!
Mandatory entry:
Visit Baby's First Phone Call and then come back here and let us know a call package you would be interested in.
You must complete the mandatory entry before doing any extra entries.
Extra Entries (Leave a comment for each entry):
1 Entry: Follow our blog publicly (found on right sidebar).
1 Entry: Subscribe to our blog via reader.
1 Entry: Become our friend on Facebook AND update your status with link to this giveaway.
3 Entries: Post about this contest with a link back to our blog AND a link to Baby's First Phone Call (Leave a link back to your post in your comment).
1 Entry: Follow us on twitter and tweet about this contest. You may do this once daily (always leave the link in your comment).
2 Entries: Add our button to your blog.
Good luck! Contest ends on February 25th at midnight. Winner will be announced February 26th.
Winner will be chosen through

Please be sure to include your e-mail or have it in your profile so I can contact you if you win. Thanks!

We are not compensated for our reviews. We receive product(s) for free so we can provide our experience. These are our honest opinions. Your experience may vary.


  1. I think the "Notify 20 friends and family" package would be perfect for us. {musicalmaestro at gmail dot com}

  2. I follow {musicalmaestro at gmail dot com}

  3. I have your button on my sidebar {harwoodharbor} - entry #1

  4. I have your button on my sidebar {harwoodharbor} - entry #2

  5. I would like the notify the 20 friends and family package as well.

  6. I follow babys 1st phone call on twitter. 1amypugmire.

  7. follow on twitter and tweeted.

  8. I would do package C (notify 30) and then add in the cute!

  9. I tweeted about the giveaway!

  10. I would give this to my BFF as a bay shower gift and I think she would most like call package C, but maybe D.

  11. I would select the notify 30 friends package, as many of my family members are out of the area.


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