
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Take It From Me

A couple of my girlfriends (one old and one new) have started a super cute review and giveaway blog. It has only been up for a few weeks and they are already having great success and showing off some fabulously fun giveaways.
Make sure to follow Take It From Me! Right now they have giveaways up for art, a night light, stuffed animals, blankets, and a lunch tote. Last week they had a Shabby Apple dress giveaway so you know they got it going on!!
Check out 'Take It From Me' and follow along!


  1. Thanks Megan! We love your blog and are honored to be mentioned on it. You know Erica was 1 away from winning the Shabby Apple dress! NEXT TIME!
    --Kristin (the "old" girlfriend- hope that doesn't mean we aren't still friends lol)


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