
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

4moms Cleanwater Infant Tub Review

4moms offers four amazing products, two that are currently available and two that are coming soon. The mamaRoo is the coolest swing I ever have seen. It is now available for pre-order online and in stores. The Origami stroller should be available this spring and it looks awesome!
I had the opportunity to receive and review the Cleanwater Infant Tub. There are several features included in this infant tub that makes it truly unique. One of my favorite features is that the tub has a constant flow of water that goes in the tub through a temperature testing, a reservoir, into the main tub, and out a side hole.
The baby bath also has a thermometer that will test the temperature of the water before it ever hits your baby. If it is too hot, the light will turn red and begin to beep to warn you to turn the hot water down.
Babies seem to love to pee in the bath. While I don't want to have to take my baby out of the bath, empty it, and start all over again, I don't want to have my baby bathe in dirty water either. This bath system is the best because clean water continually comes in while the dirty water flows out. I realize this seems like a waste to run your water for the duration of your child's bath, but luckily, baby baths usually only take a couple of minutes. Overall, I am very impressed and highly recommend purchasing this product for your new babies!

You can purchase the Cleanwater Infant Tub for about $40 at a store near you, including Target and Babies R' Us.

We are not compensated for our reviews. We receive product(s) for free so we can provide our experience. These are our honest opinions. Your experience may vary.

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