
Thursday, March 25, 2010

Want to earn some easy money?

Recently I have made some extra cash by trying out products that are still in development as well as being part of a focus group for products that haven't hit the market yet. I made $100 for giving my opinion in a focus group! I was just accepted to a new research study about baby wipes and all I have to do is use these new wipes for a week, fill out an online survey about what I thought about them and I get $75. Does making some extra cash get any easier then that? The research companies are always looking for people for new studies all across the United States. All you have to do is check out these websites: Radiant Research, Macconnell Research and Superior Research and answer a questionnaire about yourself so they know what studies they can use you for. Happy money making to you all!

PS - I was not asked by these companies to advertise for them. I was just so excited about finding out how to make some money that I thought I would share with all of my wonderful readers :)


  1. Would you happen to know of any similar companies that offer the same in Canada?

  2. I visited and I don't think it's the right one. Do you mean

  3. Thank you Kimmie for letting me know about the link. I have changed the link so it takes you to the correct website.


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