
Sunday, February 20, 2011

It's Nap Time...

So this will be quick. Long gone is the sunshine, and stealing with it, any hopes that Winter may end anytime soon.
I am in mourning. Can't you tell?
And this camera angle makes me look a foot shorter. Time for a change.
And most importantly- Happy, Happy Birthday Tracy!! You are adorable and hilarious and beautiful and kind and the most phenomenal mother I have ever met. I am so lucky to count you among my sisters!! And Elliot should count his lucky stars he gets to sleep with you.
Happy Sabbath. May we all have way too long naps that leave us grumpy when we awake. But who cares? Tomorrow is a holiday!!
LBD: Gift from my mommy
Shoes: Kenzie

Shop Similar: LBD


  1. Gimme that dress! If I had known it looked so good on, I'd be wearing it right now! Nice legs...gimme those too!

  2. LOVE the dress. and the shoes are way cute too!

  3. Love the shout out and love the outfit. I could use a pair of legs like those so let me know when you're done with them.


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