
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

Oh wait, it's Tuesday. Whatever, it's still manic. I left my house 8:30 this morning and pulled back into my driveway at 2, filling the day with errands and play dates. And since today is the last day of Winter Break, that means I had all three children in tow for every venture. Which means I am fully exhausted. And frazzled. And in need of a huge bowl of ice cream. Which I will now excuse myself to consume.
And, aren't the books on my shelf awesome?? I should probably be embarrassed.
Button Up Shirt: H&M
Sweater: Gap
Blazer: Urban Outfitters
Corduroy Leggings: Nordstrom (yes, I own them in two colors. And would own them in ten if I could ever find my size)
Boots: Apepazza (yes, I also own these in two colors. What can I say, I'm a lazy shopper)

Shop Similar: Blazer, Sweater

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