
Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Husband Trumps Anonymous

I was skyping The Mister this morning (he has been in Boston all week) wherein the following conversation ensued:
Hubs: You know I always think you look beautiful
Me: Umm, sure.
Hubs: That outfit yesterday was horrible
(he checks the blog as a form of proof that his wife does indeed get dressed on occasion since I am most definitely always in jammies by the time he arrives home)
Me: I am trying to show different ways to wear a scarf
Hubs: You mean, you are trying to show ways not to wear a scarf
Indeed my love, indeed.
I met up with some girlfriends for lunch today. There was some serious yummy in my tummy. And now the children and I are having chocolate chip muffins for dinner. Because I am totally mother of the year.

Blazer: Macy's
Tunic: F21
Corduroy Leggings: Nordstrom
Scarf: TJ Maxx
Boots: Michael Kors
Shop Similar: Boots, Blazer, Tunic

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAH Allen, man. That is good stuff. Well, not every outfit can be golden. That's what I always say.
    Ok, I have never actually said that, but seriously. It can't.


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