
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sunburst Mirror Tutorial

Isn't this sunburst mirror so pretty? I am in love with it. I have wanted to own it for a long time. The only problem is that I can think of about 100 other things I should spend $160 on. Yeah, that's right. The mirror above is $160. I'm not saying it wouldn't be worth it, I am just saying there is no way I could afford it. So...I attempted to make my own. On a much larger scale just because I could.
Sunburst Mirror:
Mirror with flat edges
Bundle of sticks
Hot glue
Silver spray paint

Total: About $8 ($12 if you count the spray paint)
I found my mirror with flat edges at Bed Bath & Beyond for $4. I have heard people using a mirror candle holder at craft stores for about $3 so whatever you can find with a flat surface will work. I found the bundle of sticks at a dollar store for $3.
Step 1: Divide your mirror into 6 parts. You may want to use tape or mark it in some way.
Step 2: Cut your sticks to desired lengths. I used six different lengths.
Step 3: Lay out your pattern around your mirror.
Step 4: Once you are satisfied with your design, use just a dot of hot glue to glue the sticks to the mirror.
P.S: After I glued my sticks on, I thought some of the longer ones looked pretty crazy so I trimmed them down.
Step 5: Cover your mirror with painter's tape and lightly spray paint. I put my mirror on a box so I could paint the back of the sticks, too.
(I know I need to clean the mirror. Yikes!)
It definitely is not close to being perfect, but it wasn't $160 so I really like it. I haven't found a permanent home for it yet. I can't decide if I want it in our bedroom or if I want to leave it downstairs. I'm thinking I might have to make more with different styles. Then, I can have them all over my house :)
What do you think?

Here are a few other Sunburst Tutorials that I checked out for inspiration:

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