
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Playroom Reveal

I recently shared our playroom hot mess and the goals I had to make it more functional and stylish. Here is what I ended up doing:
Painted the window trim and curtain rod a bright white.
Removed the maroon blinds.
Added white, happy curtains.
Spray pained the table and chairs white.
Purchased a storage unit from IKEA.
Made a 'This Is The Life' art inspired from Nesting Place.
Added some family pictures and a few decorations on top of the shelf.
Moved furniture around.
AND did a major toy edit.
Here is how it turned out:

My kids are really enjoying the space and it's not such an eyesore to pass by anymore. Best of all, The only thing purchased was the storage unit from IKEA, which we had already intended on purchasing. I had everything else. Woohoo! Mission accomplished...for now. What have you been working on?

1 comment:

  1. okay totally awesome!!!!! I am suprised at how brave you were to paint over the table and chairs! maybe one day if I brave up I'll do it to mine too. love it megan!


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