
Monday, March 11, 2013

Allie's Headboard {Big Girl Room}

I have been busy up in Allie's room. My family keeps picking on me for trying to finish her big girl room before we move. I have no idea why, but I always do crap like this. Like seriously every time we are about to move. I think having a fun/large project helps relieve some moving stress, which I realize is doesn't make any sense. Anyway, I thought it might be good for Allie to get used to not sleeping in her crib before we move so everything doesn't seem completely new and scary in a new place.
I have been holding onto this awesome fabric for months with intentions of someday making it into a headboard. I picked it up with my bestie at a discount fabric store for $1.99. 
I used leftover board from Carson's headboard, stapled a foam pad that my mother-in-law gave me, and stapled batting on that, and then stapled the fabric. Easy peasy. 
Below is her crib converted into a toddler bed. It was good for practicing how to not fall out of bed. I decided to do a twin size bed with a headboard instead because I didn't want to have to take apart, pack it, and then build her crib again. Plus, I figured it would be good to have a twin bed in our next apartment in case we have a bunch of guests. And I love being able to snuggle with her in bed.

So there it is. I can't wait to post more of her room. It's finally coming together. Just in time to be taken all apart. Woop.


  1. That is really odd that your family is giving you such a hard time for decorating a house you're about to pack up. They obviously don't understand anything. Love the headboard.


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