
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pre-Move: Playroom & Hallway

The playroom is another room we won't have in our next apartment. I have already cleared out a lot of stuff from this room since last time I posted about this space, but I still have way more editing to do. Everything in this room is going to have to fit in my kid's new rooms or get donated. This is a stressful job to decide what stays and what goes; what your kids will miss and what they won't even notice is gone. Though, my son is fully crazy about me getting rid of stuff. Like even garbage. I have to sneak business cards and stray lego pieces and pens and random junk from his room when he isn't home or he freaks out on me. This could be similar to me and pillows. Hmm. So yeah, it has been a process editing toys. He will definitely have to go to grandmas on packing/moving days.
With that being said, I can't say I'll miss this room. For some reason, my kids both play better in their bedrooms. This room is always just a disaster of toys. It seriously seems like they just take everything in this room and put it into piles. Piles they won't share with each other, of course. Nothing ever seems to actually get played with in here, with the exception of when friends are over.

 I painted this table with chalkboard paint a while back since the white top got pretty sick really quickly. My kids love the chalkboard top and I love that you can't see peanut butter smears. I think this table will end up in my daughter's room or in the kitchen if there is room.

 I love our hallway picture walls. There is a drawing from my husband's sister-in-law, a water color from my son, and pictures from trips, and sweet moments from our lives.

 I love the happy view up our stairs to our yellow dining table and little potted plants. I'll do a pre-move post on that space later.
I'm already feeling the stress of moving. The owners of our home are trying to sell the house. We have been having showings like crazy. I'm just nutty enough to get totally anxious about people being in my house so I always want it to be perfectly clean. A perfectly clean house everydayyyy is the worst. I'm tired and hoping it sells soon so I don't have to do dishes everyday anymore :)
No idea how I'll handle packing and showing this house. Pray, people, pray.


  1. You would probably reduce your stress level if you just stayed. Moving is over rated anyways.

  2. Moving is THE WORST! But I do love the feeling of getting rid of all the stuff we dont really need. Good luck Megan!


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